When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 1129

Chapter 1129


Chapter 1129 

[No way.) Elliot rejected Ben’s suggestion once again. [Then what about giving her a bit more allowance each month? With the money she is getting right now, it will take forever to save up enough to purchase a house!) [If you pity her, you are welcome to buy her a place, and increase her allowance using your own money.] 


“Elliot, who are you texting?” Avery asked when she noticed that Elliot was not eating. 

“Ben.” He set his phone down and picked up the glass to take a sip of milk. “Lilith White is staying with him right now, so he would send me updates about her from time to time, 

“Lilith White? Your sister?” Avery remained thoughtful for a few moments. “It’s not that appropriate for her to stay at Ben’s place long term, is it? Should we find her a place?” “Avery, if money comes too easily, one simply wouldn’t learn to treasure it,” Elliot deadpanned. “Everyone needs to take responsibility for their own lives without depending on others.” 

Avery nodded. “You are right. She has just become independent from Nathan, and this is a critical period for her to rebuild her values. It’s good for her to face adversities.” 

“When is Mike moving away?” Elliot asked because Mike had promised that he would move away. 

“Whenever he wants!” Avery glanced at him. “Are you trying to chase him out? Mike and I are really close, so don’t.” 

“Not only are you close to him, but you are also close to Eric.” Elliot suddenly got jealous. “If Eric asks to move in, you are definitely not going to refuse.” 

Avery had not expected Elliot to get jealous out of the blue. 

“We don’t have an extra room for Eric, and he wouldn’t come stay here as well.” 

“How do you know that? He would have probably asked if it weren’t for me or Mike.” 

“We are married, and you are still getting jealous over senseless stuff.” Avery removed the shell on an egg and placed it onto his plate in hope that it would shut him up. 

“Don’t you think it’s time that Mike moves out? He came home last night at twelve and woke me up.” That was the reason why Elliot had woken up late this morning. Avery had moved into the master bedroom, located on the first floor, in the first trimester of her pregnancy, CWWhM>NJ she had stayed there ever since. All noises could be heard from the first floor. “Why didn’t I hear that?” Avery did not hear it but considered Elliot’s feelings sincerely. “I’ll talk to him later!” 

Just then, Mike strode over toward them with his golden locks all tangled in a mess. 

“I heard everything! You two are too cruel! How can you talk about me behind my back? I am 

moving out today! Right after breakfast! Satisfied?” Mike sat down on a chair and stared at Elliot coldly. “Maybe you just can’t sleep because you are getting old. If it gets too bad, you should probably go to a doctor to get some medicine for that.” Elliot set his glass down and left with a dark expression, and Mike finally felt better after making him leave. “Why did you come home so late last night? Were you out drinking?” Avery asked. “Drinking? I was working overtime in the office!” Mike sighed miserably. “I was going to move even if you didn’t say anything, though. This place felt quite spacious before Elliot moved in, but now that he lives here, I feel like I’m suffocating.” “I guess you really can’t place two tigers on the same mountain.” “Maybe! Why exactly did you two end your honeymoon early, though?” Mike stared at her. “I heard that you were the one who wanted to come back.” Avery glanced at the living room and saw no sign of Elliot. He had probably returned to the room. 

“Mike, can you help me find Adrian? Henry hid him, but I have to find him,” she lowered her voice and said, “Use whatever means necessary.” Mike gaped. “What’s happened now?” Avery scowled. “I can’t tell you right now.” 

“You haven’t told Elliot as well?” 

“Not yet. But I’m afraid it won’t remain a secret for long,” Avery said gloomily. Henry was determined to get his share of the Sterling Group, and there was no way that Elliot would give it to him. It placed Avery at a crossroads.


